Download our free pack of resources for teachers and workshop facilitators.
To download the pack click HERE
This pack contains activities and inspiration for teachers and facilitators who wish to improve emotional resilience and support the mental health of young people aged between 11 and 24.
The content of this resource was informed by a review of research into psychological and mental health resilience and a series of consultation events with young people. The activities were devised in workshops with 18 young people and 7 Youth Practitioners from Lambeth in South London who co-produced the learning resource pack. The ethnicity of this group was diverse but mainly Black British young people from African, Afro-Caribbean or Dual Heritage backgrounds.
Each of the workshop participants was given an unlined notebook. Throughout the programme paints; brushes; colour pencils; charcoal and pens were available on the table. The value of keeping a journal was discussed and people were reminded that painting and drawing are also ways we can record our feelings as well as through writing.
This programme is intended to be preventative. It is not intended as a treatment for any mental health condition, although people who are managing a mental health condition may, like anyone else, benefit from learning about ways to support their wellbeing.
The Stronger Minds Partnership can deliver this programme to your setting.
For more information contact :
Sue Pettigrew
Director, St Michaels Fellowship
T: 020 8335 9570
E: sue@stmichaelsfellowship.org.uk
Clare Douglas
Project Manager, Stronger Minds
T: 07944 562 747
E: resiliencefoundry@gmail.com